1-2 week long mini projects

20-30 Interesting Notebooks involving mathematical concepts

Borrow more MIT computational programming, math for programmers, CS168 and advanced analytics in spark (30% should be spark).

Fundamentals stuff and other things to be moved to github

One single repo for DS + Machine Learning

Machine Learning:

  1. Data Normalization and Feature Scaling


  1. Bootstrapping/ Estimation and hypothesis testing/ Multivariate analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis:

  • Pair-wise explorations: Understand Relationship between variables
  • Graphical Data Exploration
  • Uni-variate Non-graphical data exploration
    • Air pollution and temperature data for the city of Chicago
    • data exploration using ozone levels datasets
  • Exploratory Data Analysis using Command-Line

Data is beautiful

  • Our world in data
  • Data Visualisation Principles

Pet Projects/Scripts (old)