1-2 week long mini projects
20-30 Interesting Notebooks involving mathematical concepts
- Inferring Concept Drift Without Labeled Data
- Session-based Recommender Systems
- Causality for Machine Learning
- Interpretability
- Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection
- Learning with Limited Labeled Data
- Federated Learning
- Probabilistic Methods for Realtime Streams
- Distributed process event data mining using federated learning
- Sequential User Session Data for build recommender system using LSTMs
- Anomaly detection for predictive Maintenance of Turbofan engine / aviation
Borrow more MIT computational programming, math for programmers, CS168 and advanced analytics in spark (30% should be spark).
Fundamentals stuff and other things to be moved to github
One single repo for DS + Machine Learning
Machine Learning:
- Data Normalization and Feature Scaling
- Bootstrapping/ Estimation and hypothesis testing/ Multivariate analysis
Exploratory Data Analysis:
- Pair-wise explorations: Understand Relationship between variables
- Graphical Data Exploration
- Uni-variate Non-graphical data exploration
- Air pollution and temperature data for the city of Chicago
- data exploration using ozone levels datasets
- Exploratory Data Analysis using Command-Line
Data is beautiful
- Our world in data
- Data Visualisation Principles
Pet Projects/Scripts (old)
- Maze Solver agent in Prolog
- Solving Traveling Saleman with Genetic Programming
- Getting Started with LISP
- Removing Image Compression Artifacts in Matlab
- Improving Gensim Performance via NUMPY optimisations (long)
- Mars Terrain Mapping - Maps the terrain of mars in virtual Unity3D simulation
- Array Programming with Numpy
- Hybrid-CI - PCA dimensionality reduction using Genetic algorithms in C++
- MLP - A barebones implementation of an MLP and Backprop algorithm in C++
- Rock-Paper-Scissors - Hand detection gesture system written in LabView
- Goal-Mining - Mining goal refinement patterns: distilling know-how from data.
- Sketch: A Microsoft Paint like application written in JAVA